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Hi, I’m John Hanke.

I'm a Geoscientist and Geospatial Analyst.

I founded Nouveau Terra to educate and inform people how to solve geospatial problems.

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A New Frontier of Insight

Nouveau is French for modern and Terra is Latin for earth. The data-enabled world is set to face new, complex issues over the next decade. Understanding the Modern Earth will require a greater capacity to produce geospatial insight.

Artificial Intelligence. Satellites. Drones. Robotics. Many technologies are already disrupting and transforming many lives, including our ability to understand the world.

Nouveau Terra is charting a course, enabling others to navigate this New Frontier of Insight.

Our Path to Insight 

1. Problem Generalization

Recognizing that many problems we are trying to solve likely have components that have already been solved by someone else. Filtering out domain-specific contexts creates a clearer picture of the general problem that needs to be solved.

3. The Fundamentals

Recognizing that new tools and technology can make our jobs easier, but they often don't change the governing dynamics of how the world works.


Technology changes how we work to understand the world around us.

2. Diverse Perspective

Recognizing diverse skills and experience provide us the ability to see patterns across difference knowledge domains, enabling us to bridge the divide between tradecrafts that would attempt to solve similar problems in different ways.

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